
provides free web gadgets. Ones registration completed, members
can sign in with their e-mail name and password anytime to
their members area, can get these links, use or modify any
services as member, their web site needs.

Nesim guestbook is an other useful tool for members web sites
that allows their visitors to leave their views, messages
and visible to other visitors. It is a way of getting acquainted
with people world wide. The unwanted messages can be deleted
at any time by guestbook member.
Guestbook Sample:

Feedback is like an e-mail but, it is a form
that only thing you have to do is insert it link to your website.
With this feedback, messages form visitor send directly to
your Nesim member area. The messages came by feedback form,
you can get them without downloading. The only thing you have
to do is enter your member are and read them, if unwanted
deleted them, anywhere in the world.
Feedback Sample:
Nesim visitor counter is counts how many people
are visits to your web site, very accurate. The resetting
of visitor counter is possible by member.
Web Counter Sample:

Nesim web survey allows members to ask question in any subject
to visitors, for get their views, by given three options
to select one from. It graphically, by number of voters
displays, how they distribute to each opinion in total numbers
and percentage.
Survey Sample:

Nesim web page is probably has highest qualities,
that there are not in other free web pages. Specially people
who are wants to design their own web page but do not know
how to do. It is easy to edit and upload writing's, pictures
and links. It allows to write in different languages (Turkish,
English, Arabic, Chinese etc.) alphabet and display.
Web Page Sample:

Nesim search engine facility allows members
to add 4 web addresses and change them any time they wishes
from a search engine, plus members can use nesim search
engine free, on their Internet website.

Design and developed by Nesim. It is one of the
communication way online with people anywhere in the world.
Users first enter their name or nick name than can communicate
by type a message into a text box. The message is almost
immediately visible in the larger communal message area
and other users respond. Users can enter chat rooms and
read messages without sending any.

Nesim calendar allows member to plan their events, such as; a partly, appointments, special days etc. Basically anything to remind users; an event time, day, week, mouth and year.

This is an Internet store designed and created
by Nesim. A Site is set up so if any one wishes to support
Nesim website to be able to continue their services, can
do this way. One of best advantage shopping online stores
are almost never closed. Shoppers can shop in their pyjamas,
any where in the world. For security of shopper payments,
used PayPal services...

you for your participation.